Le président du comité national paralympique à la porte
Le décret est tombé hier, monsieur NDOUDOUMOU Jean-Jacques, le président du comité national paralympique camerounais, a été démis de ses fonctions de DG de l'agence de régulation des marchés publics. C'est un coup dur pour les Personnes handicapées, meme si .....
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Jeux paralympiques de londres: Les difficultés du Cameroun !
Les athlètes, encadreurs, dirigeants et sympathisants des sports pour personnes handicapées sont dans l’expectative depuis quelques semaines. Ils ne savent pas si les paralympiques camerounais seront de la plus grande fête sportive des athlètes handicapés du monde : les jeux paralympiques qui auront lieu cette année à Londres. Depuis quelques semaines, ils se préparent. Cinq dynamophiles (haltérophiles handicapés physiques) se sont rendus à Dubaï et un seul a pu ramener une qualification. Il s’agit de Atangana Conrad Frédéric. Quelques jours après, une autre frange d’athlètes devait se rendre en Tunisiechercher leur qualification, faute de financement, ils n’ont pas pu y aller, compromettant ainsi leurs chances de se rendre à Londres. Une onde de choc a secoué le mouvement sportif paralympique au point où cette catégorie sociale se dit victime de stigmatisation et de l’injustice de la part des pouvoirs publics. Le ministre des sports et de l’éducation physique qui, comme ses prédécesseurs dit de ne pas être le ministre du football a fait commettre un communiqué par sa cellule de communication dans lequel il disait que le gouvernement fait des efforts pour accorder les chances égales à tous les sportifs. La preuve, la mise sur pied de plusieurs fédérations sportives pour personnes handicapées et le comité national paralympique. Il disait dans ce communiqué que le fait de n’avoir pas pu envoyer les athlètes handicapés en Tunisie ne voulait pas dire que es chances étaient totalement perdues. D’après les membres et dirigeants de l’instance faitière du sport pour personnes handicapées au Cameroun, des chances- les dernières certainement- demeurent. Des constacts, des réunions, des conciliabules et autres se tiennent régulièrement afin de voir comment les uns et les autres peuvent ‘’sauver la face’’ Vendredi dernier, 4 mai s’est tenue à huis clos dans la sale des conférences du ministère en charge des sports, une de ces autres séances de travail qui à notre avis a accouché d’une petite souris verte. De l’entretien que nous accordé monsieur Jean-Jacques Ndoudoumou le président du comité national paralympique camerounais, il ressort un mot clé : « financement ».
la suite www.mbolocameroon.com
Jean Jacques Ndoudoumou (président du Comité National Paralympique Camerounais CNPC) « Cette séance de travail nous a permis de faire le point de des préparatifs de la participation du Cameroun aux Jeux paralympiques. Les athlètes sont entrain de suivre un programme qui a été bien établi. Il était question de voir comment qualifier nos athlètes à ces jeux. Il y a certes des problèmes financiers, mais nous continuons de nous battre pour que nos athlètes puissent participer aux rendez-vous de Turin et de paris. Sachez que nous avons un athlète qualifié pour ces jeux en dynamophilie (Atangana Conrad), un autre se bat avec de réelles chances (Gobé Christian). Nous avons beaucoup d’autres athlètes sur place qui ont les minimas, mais ceux-ci doivent être homologués par les instances internationales. Le gros problème est d’ordre financier. Nous pensons que nous allons trouver les solutions idoines ».
Didier ONANA©mbolocameroon 22114587
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Nouvelles de l'IPC
General Assembly Closes with Paralympic Games Updates
The 15th International Paralympic Committee (IPC) General Assembly came to a close in Beijing, China on Sunday (11 December) with members receiving a review of the last Paralympic Winter Games as well as updates on the next four editions of the Games.
Dena Coward, former Director of Paralympic Games at the Vancouver Organizing Committee for the 2010 Games, started proceedings giving a review of the last Paralympic Winter Games.
She spoke about how Vancouver 2010 had delivered many Paralympic firsts and that targeting youth had been an integral part of the Organizing Committee's strategy to help change perceptions of people with a disability and deliver the best Winter Games ever.
"At Vancouver 2010 our aim was not to talk about athletes with disabilities but athletes with abilities," said Coward who highlighted that the Games had received more TV coverage then any ever before, and were the first to be broadcast in HD.
Over 300 hours of coverage to a global audience of 1.58 billion viewers, whilst 10 rights holders distributed pictures to 33 countries. In Canada around one third of the nation (33 million) watched the Games. A total of 84% of tickets for the event were sold making them the most successful and well attended Paralympic Games ever.
In closing Coward said: "We created Paralympic fans and an appreciation of Paralympic Sport.
"We reached or exceeded the goals we had set ourselves."
The next Paralympic Winter Games will be held in Sochi in 2014 and President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Organizing Committee for those Games Dmitry Chernyshenko was next up to present to the General Assembly.
He opened by saying "Sochi 2014 has given Russia a unique chance to change for the better, and we are taking that chance," before giving updates on the Sochi 2014 sports programme, venues, transportation, accommodation, and the Organizing Committee's desire to deliver an accessible Games.
"The creation of a barrier free environment is priority number one for us. It has been approved by the Russian government and more than 20 states are now involved in projects," stated Chernyshenko.
To ensure this, Sochi 2014 has integrated best practice from previous Paralympic Games into their efforts to deliver the most convenient Games ever.
Sponsorship revenue for the Games now exceeds 99 million US dollars, which Chernyshenko said underlined the health of the Paralympic Brand in Russia.
The Organizing Committee now boasts 600 staff and test events for the Games will start in February 2012 through until September 2013.
"Sochi 2014 is holding more than the Paralympic Games. It's an inspirational project for the millions of people with a disability who live in Russia. We want to change their lives," said Chernyshenko who outlined that Paralympic awareness, accessibility and inclusiveness were three key priorities for his team.
"The Russian government is taking unprecedented steps to improve the lives of people with a disability in Russia. Sochi 2014 is the catalyst for this," he concluded.
Sebastian Coe, Chairman of the London 2012 Organizing Committee (LOCOG), followed Cherynyshenko to tell members about the progress of London 2012 which starts in just 262 days time.
Coe was joined by colleagues Chris Holmes, Director of Paralympic Games Integration and Piers Jones, Sport Competition Group Manager and said he was proud to be bringing the Games back to where they began, referencing Stoke Mandeville.
He paid tribute to Paralympics GB Chair Tim Reddish for his help in ensuring athletes remain at the centre of LOCOG's work.
"Our focus has not changed," said Coe. "Athletes are the heart of everything we do.
"By placing them at the centre, you have to get so many other things correct."
According to statistics presented by Coe, more than one third of people believe the Paralympic Games will bring about a breakthrough for the way people with a disability are viewed in UK. Over half believe the Games will show the world how to treat people with a disability with respect and equality.
London 2012's reach also impressed delegates. Domestically its education programme `Get Set' is now immersed in 21,000 UK schools, equating to 68% of the total number, while Inspiration International has reached its target of engaging 12 million youngsters in 20 different countries in sport.
"Our big challenge over the next eight months is scaling up the organization to deliver a Games of great complexity," said Coe who highlighted that LOCOG's workforce is now increasing by 120 employees a month and will eventually reach a total of 6,000 people by the start of the Games.
Chris Holmes said International Paralympic Day, which was held on 8 September and secured worldwide media coverage, had resulted in some spectacular ticket sales for the forthcoming Games
"In the first ticket window we shifted over one million tickets. Many sessions and some sports are sold out.
"Cycling at the Velodrome sold out, Wheelchair Rugby sold out, Wheelchair Tennis sold out.
"On 2 December when tickets went back on sale, 15,000 tickets were sold in the first 15 minutes."
Members were updated on the Paralympic torch relay, the popularity of Games mascot Mandeville - who appears on 40% of London 2012 merchandise, venues, test events, operational planning and pre-Games training camps.
A video message from Carlos Nuzman, President of the Rio 2016 Organizing Committee, started Rio 2016's presentation before his colleague Agberto Guimaraes, who was in Beijing, detailed the Organizing Committee's ongoing activities. This included an event held in September to mark five years to go as well as last month's stunning emblem launch.
Guimaraes also updated members on venues - which will be located in four zones, stakeholder management, Paralympic integration and Rio 2016's communications plan.
The final update of the day was given by Dongo Hoo Moon, Secretary General of the Pyeongchang Organizing Committee for the 2018 Games. The Organizing Committee was only inaugurated one and a half months ago however, Dongo Hoo Moon said he was committed to Korea delivering the best Paralympic Winter Games ever.
The IPC General Assembly is the supreme governing body of the International Paralympic Committee (IPC) and meets every two years. It determines policy for, and sets the fundamental directions for the development of sports for athletes with
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Nouvelles de l'IPC
"Paralympic Movement's Best Times Still to Come" Says IPC President
International Paralympic Committee (IPC) President Sir Philip Craven has opened the 15th IPC General Assembly in Beijing, China, by saying the Paralympic Movement is in good health and that its best years are still to come.
More than 300 people from National Paralympic Committees (NPCs), International Federations, International Organizations of Sport for the Disabled (IOSDs) and Regional Organizations are in the Chinese capital for the event which takes place every two years.
In his speech to members Sir Philip Craven stated that the Paralympic Movement had coped well during the global financial crisis, had continued to flourish, and was now ready for what lies ahead.
"If Beijing in 2008 marked the moment the Paralympic Movement grew up and the world took notice, then I believe the coming years will see us grow in maturity and captivate billions as our athletes continue to inspire and excite the world," he said.
"We can feel rightly proud of our achievements so far, however, we should feel a greater sense of excitement about what we still have to achieve together."
At the start of his 40 minute long address, Sir Philip praised the IPC Governing Board which met last weekend and was elected at the 2009 General Assembly in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
He then spoke of his pride in the IPC Strategic Plan 2011-2014, before highlighting how the last two Paralympic Games underlined the need for the whole Paralympic Movement to work together in increasing participation at all levels across the globe.
"The Beijing Paralympic Games had a record 3,951 athlete, however more than half came from just 11 of the 146 competing countries," he pointed out.
"In Vancouver, despite a record 502 athletes taking part in 64 medal events, it averaged out at less than eight competitors per event."
In reviewing the Vancouver 2010 Paralympic Winter Games, he described them as the biggest and best Winter Paralympics ever, before he looked ahead to the next four editions of the Paralympic Games.
Sir Philip Craven said: "The signs are that London 2012 has the potential to match and potentially surpass what we achieved here in Beijing.
"More than one million tickets have already been sold for the Games, a record so far away from the Opening Ceremony.
"The job now is to sell the remaining tickets before the Games. It would give us all great pleasure if we could announce for the first time ever that the Paralympic Games are a sell-out weeks in advance.
"Already in Sochi we are seeing some significant changes taking place in Russian society. The work they have undertaken in creating a barrier free law in Russia is a significant step for which they are to be congratulated."
He described the newly unveiled Rio 2016 Paralympic Games emblem as "beautiful, and the best yet," and spoke of his delight that all three cities bidding for the 2018 Paralympic Winter Games, which were awarded to PyeongChang, had made the Paralympics integral to the success of their bids.
Thanks to six new National Paralympic Committees in the last two years, together with three new International Federations, he said the IPC now had 192 members and that more sport was now being played than ever.
"The Movement is now bursting with sports," said Sir Philip. "This year alone, despite there being no Paralympic Games, at least one major international or regional sporting event has taken place every two weeks."
The IPC President since 2001 also discussed the IPC's ongoing relationship with the International Olympic Committee and the IPC's desire to secure a deeper and broader partnership with them.
He said: "Without the IOC's support, the IPC would not enjoy the position in which we find ourselves today. We are all grateful to the IOC and its President Jacques Rogge, as well as his predecessor, the late President Juan Antonio Samaranch, for their continued support of the IPC and the Paralympic Games.
"Complex, but extremely positive negotiations, have been ongoing for a number of months and our aim is to finalise an agreement in the near future."
Volunteers, officials, classifiers, members as well as the IPC's staff at its HQ in Bonn, Germany, were also credited for their efforts in the last two years.
"We have a dynamic team capable of taking the IPC and the Paralympic Movement to the next level of our exponential growth," he commented.
The IPC General Assembly is the supreme governing body of the International Paralympic Committee (IPC). It determines policy for, and sets the fundamental directions for the development of sports for athletes with an impairment. It will continue tomorrow, when it will conclude nine days of activity in the city that staged the best ever Paralympic Games in 2008.
Sir Philip Craven's full speech from the 15th IPC General Assembly can be found at www.paralympic.org
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Nouvelles de l'extérieur
L’équipe francilienne a été omniprésente face aux promus berckois qui se sont lourdement inclinés samedi soir en région parisienne.
Le CS Clichy a mis fin à la série de victoires de Berck ce week-end, en s’imposant largement 64 à 34.
Après deux succès consécutifs devant Rennes et Dijon, les maritimes ont chuté face à l’équipe du président Jérôme Sayag qui sort ainsi de la zone des reléguables et pointe désormais à la cinquième place de la Nationale C avec une rencontre en retard qui sera disputée le 3 décembre prochain.
Dominés dès l’entame (16-8, 10ème), les partenaires d’Eric Benault (8 pts) n’ont plus vu le jour par la suite, dans un match qui a vite tourné à la démonstration pour les Clichois.
Déjà en péril à la pause (32-14), les Berckois n’ont jamais semblé pouvoir revenir au score par la suite, martyrisés dans la raquette par Mokhtar Messaoudene (24 pts) et Elvis Yaneu (18 pts) qui ont emmené leur équipe vers une troisième victoire d’affilée.
Gennevilliers, l’autre équipe d’Ile de France, conserve la tête du classement à égalité avec Coudekerque après s’être imposé à Feurs (51-62).
Après un départ laborieux (12-6), l’entrée de Chaffik Bennour (13 pts) a permis aux franciliens de mener à la pause (25-27) alors que le pivot Karim Khelaifi avait fait des dégâts dans la raquette forézienne (18 pts).
Au retour des vestiaires, Gennevilliers allait creuser l’écart (36-46, 30ème) grâce à de bonnes séquences défensives même si Djalil Rezgui (17 pts) et Anthony Ladrait (10 pts) se montraient plutôt opportunistes.
Mais Feurs allait revenir dans les dernières minutes pour s’incliner honorablement de onze longueurs face aux Gennevillois où la sortie de Samir Radi pour cinq fautes n’a pas eu de conséquence sur la victoire finale.
Coudekerque s’est relancé à Rennes (63-74) après son faux pas à domicile la semaine dernière face à Gennevilliers.
Une cinquième victoire pour les Nordistes qui avaient déjà scoré 28 points dans le premier quart-temps (20-28) avant le retour des Bretons à la pause (36-39).
Gaétan Delpierre (17 pts) et son coéquipier Desoutter (20 pts) allaient conduire leur équipe vers un succès en seconde période d’autant que Yannick Jouenne (9pts) n’était pas en réussite.
Augereau (21 pts) allait cependant retarder l’échéance et rester dangereux jusqu’au coup de sifflet final sans toutefois permettre aux Rennais de revenir au tableau de marque.
Blanquefort n’a toujours pas connu le succès cette saison, battu à Dijon 62 à 47 après un troisième quart-temps catastrophique (20-6).
Les Bourguignons ont construit leur victoire en seconde période et la réaction des Girondins dans les dix dernières minutes fut insuffisante pour inquiéter les partenaires de Yoan Larrondo qui figurent désormais à la troisième place du championnat.
Le détail des rencontres :
(12-5) (14-19) (20-6) (16-17)
DIJON : Larrondo 8, Crost 19, Menguy 9, Legendre 2, Lordel 10, Ramonet 10, Chevalier 2, Bauer 2
BLANQUEFORT : Jacquart 16, Lafond 10, Drault 4, Cattelin 8, Le Pape 3, Siméon 6
(12-6) (13-21) (11-19) (15-16)
FEURS : Poulard 4, Jourdon 6, Rezgui 17, Bravais 3, Ladrait 10, Prost 4, Ogier 3, Coste 2, Laurent 2
GENNEVILLIERS : Khalaifi 20, Zarban 14, Bennour 13, Chick 11, Moussaoui 4, Radi, Henry, Boulemsamer
(20-28) (16-11) (8-16) (19-19)
RENNES : Jouenne 9, Liard 15, Augereau 21, Leray 2, Henriot 2, Ondoua 8, Sieur 6
COUDEKERQUE : Desoutter 20, R.Delpierre 16, Chambrin 11, Lamotte 2, Faveeuw 4, Giacomelli 4, G.Delpierre 17
(16-8) (16-6) (16-10) (16-10)
CLICHY : Messaoudene 24, Yaneu 18, Belz 12, Goita 8, Pioche 2, Nowe
BERCK : Larrieu 8, Benault 8, Verez 6, Hecquet 2, Ferment 8, Thérin 2
Le classement après la sixième journée :
1- CVH Gennevilliers 11 pts (5/1)
2- Coudekerque-Branche 11 pts (5/1)
3- JDA Dijon 10 pts (4/2)
4- AS Berck 9 pts (3/3)
5- CS Clichy 8 pts (3/2)*
6- Rennes 7 pts (2/3)*
7- Feurs 7 pts (1/5)
8- Blanquefort 6 pts (0/6)
(*) Rennes et Clichy comptent un match en moins
Le 21/11/2011, Jean Claude Boucher
Source: Sports et Handicap
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