


 droits humains, élections présidentielles 2011, personnes handicapées,politique, partis politiques,accessibilité, political parties ,election, cameroon,rights,people with disabilies,disability, sightsavers, sensibiliation,candidats, conseil municipal,sénatorial, integration,inclusion,                                

After the withdrawal of their electoral cards, a big majority of people with disabilities accomplished last Sunday October 9th, their civic duty. We accompanied some of them. Here are their impressions:


Leopold ASSIENE (visually impair): “It is a great day for disabled persons of Cameroon and for our democracy. I have just voted for the first time. It has been quite good and easy. The reception at the polling station was good. I think that things should continue on that way.”


ELOUNDOU Joseph (visually impair): “It is for the first time that I have the occasion to vote. It was good. I extend all my recognition the organizers who took us in consideration”.

droits humains, élections présidentielles 2011, personnes handicapées,politique, partis politiques,accessibilité, political parties ,election, cameroon,rights,people with disabilies,disability, sightsavers, sensibiliation,candidats, conseil municipal,sénatorial, integration,inclusion, 


 MINALA Marlyse (girl physical impair): “I could not believe that in our country, things could be organized like in developed countries. It is for the first time that I vote. I was welcomed in dignity. Many things are still to be ameliorated. I hope that Elecam and the government will continue on that way”.

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Presidential Elections 2011: Disabled Persons voted IN Dignity


Presidential Elections 2011: DiSabled people voted IN DIGNITY.


 droits humains, élections présidentielles 2011, personnes handicapées,politique, partis politiques,accessibilité, political paties ,election, cameroon,rights,people with disabilies,disability, sightsavers, sensibiliation,candidats, conseil municipal,sénatorial, integration,inclusion,human rights,

            The 2011 presidential elections in Cameroon have been successful for the participation of people with disabilities. For the first time in the history of the country, they have been fully involved from the preparation to the end of the process. Since October 2010, many organizations of the civil society, disabled people organizations, journalists, human rights and United Nations organizations and some stakeholders like Sightsavers International Cameroon, began to prepare this political event. Workshops, training sessions, conferences, and press conferences have been organized to sensitize the population and political authorities to keep an eye opened to disabled people. “Accessible elections for persons with disabilities” a network with an ambitious program has been set on for the due cause. Sensitization campaigns took place all over the country asking disabled persons to subscribe to electoral lists, to consult electoral lists, to withdraw their electoral cards and vote. Five days before, Elections Cameroon in charge of the organisation of the election granted to visually impair persons even through it was late, a package containing electoral documents. Disabled persons as you can see in these pictures finally participated to these presidential elections in dignity. We should recognize that it has not been easy at all. It was not perfect but, it is the beginning of a long political process.

droits humains, élections présidentielles 2011, personnes handicapées,politique, partis politiques,accessibilité, political paties ,election, cameroon,rights,people with disabilies,disability, sightsavers, sensibiliation,candidats, conseil municipal,sénatorial, integration,inclusion,human rights,Some journalists of the network accompanied this process through special radio and TV programs as you can see in this picture. Some other one made some publications.

For the first time, among electoral observers were disabled persons. At least fifty in the whole country were trained like you can see in  this picture. Code of conduct for elections stakeholders was distributed to disabled persons.

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LES 23 CANDIDATS SENSIBILISES par les Personnes Handicapées


   droits humains, élections présidentielles 2011, personnes handicapées,politique, partis politiques,accessibilité, political paties ,election, cameroon,rights,people with disabilies,disability, sightsavers, sensibiliation,candidats, conseil municipal,sénatorial, integration,inclusion,                      LES CANDIDATS SENSIBILISES

La plate forme «  Accessible Elections for Persons with Disabilities,  dans le cadre de la dynamique engagée au début de ce processus électoral, a commis une charte d’engagement  pour l’intégration socio politique des personnes handicapées du Cameroun. A quoi ça sert d’abattre un travail colossal  et efficient si les partis politiques et leurs leaders ne sont pas impliqués et sensibilisés  sur l’approche handicap? Pour ce faire, la plate forme « Accessible Elections for Persons with Disabilities » a commis une charte dans la quelle elle invite les 23 candidats à prendre l’engagement à poser un certain nombre d’actions en faveur des personnes handicapées au cas où ils sont élus. Malgré le retard, celle-ci leur sera distribuée. Un document d’une certaine consistance rédigé dans les deux langues officielles du Cameroun. Comme vous le voyez sur ces photos, la majorité de ces candidats l’ont reçue. S’il est vrai qu’ils n’ont pas eu le temps matériel nécessaire  d’intégrer l’approche handicap dans les discours de cette campagne,  ils le feront la prochaine fois. Cette action, on peut le dire avec certitude portera ses fruits dans l’avenir. Certains candidats ou leurs représentants à l’instar de Esther DANG du BRIC, le SDF du Chairman Ni John, le RDPC, du  Manidem  ou de l’UDC du Dr NDAM NJOYA l’ont reçu. D’autres, pratiquement injoignables n’ont pas pu l’avoir. Ils seront relancés dans les prochaines heures. Par contre, certains comme Jean NJEUNGA du FUC, ont refusé de le prendre, même s’il ne signe pas. Pire, à la question de savoir si c’est de cette façon qu’il gérerait le pays en excluant certaines couches, ce candidat président a répondu par l’affirmative… Fritz NGO par contre, ayant refusé au départ croyant qu’il s’agissait d’une motion de soutien, s’est repris positivement et l’a signé. On espère que pour les échéances à venir, on intègrera les personnes handicapées dans les conseils municipaux, législatifs ou sénatoriaux.

droits humains, élections présidentielles 2011, personnes handicapées,politique, partis politiques,accessibilité, political paties ,election, cameroon,rights,people with disabilies,disability, sightsavers, sensibiliation,candidats, conseil municipal,sénatorial, integration,inclusion,

La remise de la charte d'intégration socio politique des Personnes Handicapées.

Esther DANG du BRIC en haut et le Représentant de L' AFP de Ben MUNA

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